Hot keys for tools:
M - Rectangular marquee;
O – Elliptical marquee;
L - Lasso;
W – Magic wand.
Using selection tools with keys:
Shift – adds a new selection to old one;
Alt – subtracts a new selection from the old one;
Alt+Shift – selects an intersection (overlapping) area of old and new selections.
When choosing a color of a color pad with the
Alt key an averaged color of rectangular area will be chosen.
Hot keys for commands:
Ctrl+O - to open a file with a bitmap image;
Ctrl+S - to save an image;
Ctrl+Alt+S - to save a copy;
Ctrl+W - to close an active Window of original image;
Ctrl+P - to print an image;
Ctrl+Q - to exit the program;
Tab – to hide-display Effect window and Toolbar.